PKM Weekly – 2024-06-29

Hi Everyone,

Welcome to all new subscribers and hello again to all existing ones.

What a week, we had the US Presidential debate, the UK Prime Minister debate, reached the knockout phases of Euro 2024, Copa America is throwing up some strange results. Looking forward to some more football over the weekend together with the Austrian F1. All this on top of the bumper news we have had from a variety of PKM / Note-Taking / Sensemaking (stealing the term from Andrew) apps.

This week, we have updates from:

You will have noted that some apps come and go each week. I have adopted a free for all practice so if you have something that you desperately want to get off your chest, then get in touch.

Just like my note-taking apps, I will also be transitioning to a different system over the coming week (WordPress + ConvertKit). Nothing like wasting time but I will put it down to the lack of being able to post Tweets in Substack and also the lack of anchor links.


  • Web Highlights – PDF & Web Highlighter has partnered with the Capacities team to create a smooth integration, allowing you to save weblinks with highlights and tags straight to your Capacities space. Full details here.

  • Strava to Capacities anyone – check out this post by Christian for details.


  • For those that have access to Tana, then be aware than you only have a day or so to lock in Pioneer Pricing:

  • VOICE NOTES (see what I did there?) Say hello* to the next generation of voice memos. Tana dropped a new version of voice memos that makes talking to yourself crazy productive. Go from rambling thought to tasks, Tweets (?), published articles and more in seconds. Available to Tana Core Users.

  • Tana launched new back-end infrastructure. This work reduces reliance on Firebase, the main service that stores all Tana data. This major upgrade brings a host of improvements that unlocks future features such as mobile, better search, improved performance on large workspaces, greater API possibilities, and more

  • Tana Release notes are back – check the latest one out here.

  • Interested in learning about Tana Knowledge Agents (a mix between PKM and AI Agents), by the mighty Fis Fraga, then join the waitlist here.

  • A cool video by Renee on How I Set Up my 12 Week Year Planner in Tana


  • Want to test out the Logseq Database DB version? Then head on over here to access it and play around. Please do not write the solution to all of the world’s problems – this is a demo version and nothing will be saved unless you read the instruction properly.

  • Ramses is also looking to provide an update on the official Logseq blog outlining all the changes, so check it out.

  • Tables of some sort coming soon? Thanks MM the screenshot:


  • Obsidian Version 1.6.5 has been released to the general public. This includes :
    • The installer has been updated to use Electron v30.1.2. To upgrade, install visit the Obsidian download page and reinstall Obsidian.
    • Added a new advanced section at the bottom of “File and links” settings page. This section includes a button for manually rebuilding the metadata cache if the cache gets corrupted or out of sync with the filesystem.
    • Fixed date and time input being cut off.
    • Fixed extra border between vertical splits in the sidebar.
    • Fixed bug where Graph view could constantly save and reload.
    • Want to see a more visual approach of the update? Check this video by Danny.

  • On the fence about Notion or Obsidian? Check this recent video by Mr Ash who looks at going from Notion to Obsidian:


  • Remnote are excited to announce their first Fireside Chat on Wednesday 10 July (check link for time in your location).

  • “We’ll have a live talk to discuss RemNote news, ideas, features, future plans, and other topics you’d like to explore. Participants will be invited to join the call for interactive discussions. Anyone can tune in, chime in, or write in. These livestreams will initially take place on the Discord Server in a Stage Channel. The specific date will be pinned and announced shortly (make sure to sign up for the ping). These sessions are intended to be recurring with varying start times to eventually cover multiple time zones, so if you miss the initial one, don’t worry. :)”


  • Lots of updates on the Notion front:
    • Notion Sites – Publish anything, fast. 1. Start with a Notion template or doc 2. Customize it 3. Make it discoverable 4. Press publish. And Voila.
    • Charts! You’ve been entering data into Notion databases for years, enjoying the various views, filters, and connections. Now, turn that data into a story with—Charts. Rolling out later this summer…
    • AI Connectors, the latest addition to AI Q&A, starting with Slack. Instantly find the information you need without ever leaving your notion workspace.

  • Notion Dictate?
    • Smallwins noticed a potential new Dictate Feature:
    • Simply right-click, select “Dictate,” and grant microphone access. Notion will then listen to your speech and automatically convert it into text. A recording icon will appear in the top right corner, and if you’re working in a shared workspace, a recording icon will also appear next to your profile picture, indicating that you’re using dictation.
      • Language Translation: During my first attempt, Notion accurately translated my spoken Chinese into English. It seems to have a built-in translation function!
      • Simplified Chinese: On my second try, the text appeared in Simplified Chinese. I’m not sure if it’s possible to set the display language to Traditional Chinese.


  • Roam has been quite active of late. They have recently released their Diagram Feature.

  • They also introduced the capability to Pin pages to the sidebar Pin a page to your Roam sidebar by long pressing on the 📌 symbol :- other pages opened in the sidebar will appear below the pinned page- replace the pinned page by picking another one- after reloading, your pinned page stays put

  • You can test the feature out here

Productivity Thoughts

  • If debating which note app to use was not enough, we are now having to also decide with AI app / Service to use OpenAI / ChatGPT, Perplexity, Claude – all have their plusses and minuses so difficult to stick to one – hmmm new newsletter??

That’s all for this week. Thank you very much in advance for reading and I look forward to bringing you more PKM news next week.