PKM Weekly – 2024-05-25

Hi Everyone,

Another week packed with updates and news from various PKM apps out there. From mobile app news to new releases and future portability, let’s get to it.

The developments from this week come from:


  • Capacities posted about Why we are focusing on integrations. We recently launched the Capacities API in beta and introduced community integrations. Here’s what this means and some quick comments on our decision-making. Link


  • The Tana team posted an interesting update this week concerning monetisation and a few other nuggets of information:
  • It seems that;
    • Early bird pricing will be available with a promotion to subscribe to a more long-term plan at a discount. It sounds to me like it might be USD 5 (discounted from USD 10 / month) for a period and an offer of USD 300 (normal price USD 500) for a 5 year subscription. Source: My Head – The official pricing point will be published soon.
    • Tana AI to be built in a la Notion it seems (post), but with a possibility to still bring your own Key (I hope).
    • Mobile app is nearly with us. Cannot wait to see what this will bring.
    • No true offline or export functionality available in the Beta. The Tana Team did comment on these. “..offline and export, this is high on our own wishlist as well. But we are a small team, and we’ve prioritized building a completely new backend (suprise, suprise, I’ll make an announcement post on this in the coming weeks), full mobile and other features that’s needed for Tana 1.0 (stay tuned for next week). Offline is a big one (watch our latest AMA for more info on why it takes time and is hard with collaborative graphs), and I’m crossing my fingers that AI might make export functions much easier to build (ie. export JSON, download as markdown”
    • Sounds like we are in for a treat over the next couple of weeks and at the same time to see just how many people are willing to pay to ensure Tana can stay alive.

  • Ev shows us how we can Unlock the Power of Hybrid Note-Taking: Integrating GoodNotes with Tana
  • Jim Smoot writes about How I use Tana to capture and process ideas in this article.

@Brage is closing in on 1 year straight of running 5km daily and uses Tana to track his progress. See how here.


  • Obsidian released 1.6.1 (Catalysts Only for now) which includes the following:
    • Add autocompletion for footnote references using [^.
    • Remove flicker when switching away from a file with properties.
    • Added an edit button to the properties view if the open file has invalid frontmatter.
    • Added hover preview support for inline footnotes.
    • Prompts now have a “clear” button to clear the input.
    • Lots more available here

Lastly, how to add flashcards and how to work with flashcards in Obsidian Note Taking app.


  • Looking to switch to Logseq from, say, Obsidian or another app. Check out this post about how to get started what to look out for and how to make the transition as seamless as possible.

  • 5 Tips for using Logseq with ChatGPT – Using AI to help process your notes saves a ton of time, if done right. So here are 5 tips that I use on a frequent basis when refining my own notes.
  • Looking for a MeetUp to discuss PKMS: Organising your brain with Logseq. Then look no further – This talk will go from briefly describing what Personal Knowledge Management is, to how I effectively use Logseq daily as a software engineer.


  • Anytype posted their April Community Update and are looking to:
    • Stabilize April’s big release
    • Going “back-to-basics” with enhancements to both personal and shared spaces.
    • Release 0.41.0 (Desktop) / 0.39.0 (Mobile) – include improvements to global search and version history, tags-as-objects, a complete flow for memberships and payments on mobile, and the possibility to purchase memberships with crypto. 
    • Town Hall – For everyone who’s interested in the technical ins and outs of our multiplayer release, we’d love to see you at our next town hall, scheduled for June 27 at 18:00 CET. Grab your seat here!

  • Anytype tutorial – Multiplayer Shared Spaces. How to use Multiplayer shared spaces in Anytype. This video was recorded with Desktop Mac version 0.40.8. I’ll show both what the space owner sees and what the invited person sees in the multiplayer sharing process.


  • AppFlowy v0.5.8 is out. Now you can navigate, manage, and edit Kanban boards using keyboard shortcuts. In this release, we also added support for zooming in and out with Ctrl/Cmd + Plus/Minus, which is particularly useful on 4K monitors or Linux.
    • Navigate, create, and move Kanban cards with keyboard shortcuts.
    • Scale up/down the application view with Cmd / Ctrl + ‘+’/’-‘.
    • A custom implementation of a title bar for Windows.
    • Added default system font family.

  • New Team member – Bartosz Sypytkowski. Bartosz is an expert backend engineer with over 14 years of experience. He is the main author of the Yrs project, which AppFlowy depends on, and he is an expert in collaborative editing frameworks, open source, and Rust in general.

That’s all for this week. Thank you very much in advance for reading and I look forward to bringing you more PKM news next week.